
1st Bamford Brownies

Who Are We?

Bamford Brownie Pack is a thriving unit providing all kinds of fun and exciting activities for girls aged 7 - 10 years living in the Bamford area. We are part of Girl Guiding UK, which is the largest voluntary organisation for girls in the United Kingdom.

Bamford Brownies currently has 26 members, 2 Guiders (adult leaders) and a Young Leader (a 14 - 16 year old working on a leadership scheme). We also operate a parent rota system to ensure adequate supervision at our meetings.

What Do We Do?

Brownies enjoy playing games, doing crafts, singing, making friends and all sorts of activities both indoors and out. The Brownie Programme has recently be re-launched and there is now a whole range of new Brownie uniforms, handbooks and other material to help girls enjoy their Brownie Adventure.

In addition to our weekly meetings, Brownies enjoy an annual Brownie Holiday, plus activity days and trips with other Brownies and Guides in the Hope Valley area.

How Much Does It Cost?

Brownie membership costs an initial membership fee of £8.50. There is also a subscription of £8.50 per term, which covers our expenses (eg hall rent, craft material, Brownie books and badges).

There are usually additional fees for trips away from our meeting place.

Where Do We Meet?

Our Brownie Pack meets on Monday evenings 6 pm – 7.30 pm during term time. We meet at the Moore Memorial Hall, Brentwood Road, Bamford.

How Do We Find Out More?

For further information on out Brownie Pack please contact Hannah Keable tel 01433 650108 email

To find out more about Girl Guiding UK please visit their website at

Forthcoming Events
