Christmas Lights Contributors

Bamford WI

Bamford WI

Cllr John Walton (HPBC)

Cllr Tony Favell (HPBC)

Cllr Jocelyn Street (DCC)

Hope Construction Materials

Sir Hugh & Lady Sykes

Jamie Boot (Construction)

Yorkshire Bridge Inn

Anglers Rest


Bamford Institute

Country Store

Bamford Dental Practice

Bamford Bakery

Bamford Bowls Club

Bamford with Thornhill Parish Council

Mick Crookes

Richard Mosley (Networks)

Neville Garner (EPB Books)

Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground

Bamford Old Folks Fund

Bamford Sheep Dog Trials Association

Carole Parker

Gripple Ltd

Catherine Young

Bamford Carnival

Julia & Frank Bigley

Bamford Garden Society

Margaret Gartside

Penelope Reese

Dr & Mrs P Spencer

Carol Cotton

Liz Marshall

Mary Bloxham

John Simpson

Audrey Bacon

Audrey Buxton

Lorraine Parker

Ray Platts

Gillian Hall

Val Fells

Elaine Frost

Maureen & Malcolm Dungworth

Marie & Malcolm Vines

Debbie & Jimmy Crookes

Jane Vines

Paul & Jo’ Snell

Mrs Cotton (John Cotton’s mum)
