5th November 2015

Minutes of the second meeting held on Thursday 5th November 2015


John Stubbs, Elaine Randall & Peter Townsend


Liz Marshall

1. Minutes of previous meeting - Agreed

2. Action Points & matters arising:

  • Lloyds Bank (Treasurers Account) opened- awaiting funds
  • Andrew Walker - Association of Community Rail partnerships (ACORP) notified
  • Parish Council noticed – Sue Beckett ( chair ) would like to be kept informed of the work of FoBS
  • Bamford News notified – article for next edition – including invite to public meeting - agreed.
  • Contact made with Northern Rail – meeting at NR premises on Monday 16 November
  • Purpose of Rail survey – it is being used to update the station information on both the National Rail and Northern Rail websites. This is work in progress - the Bamford entry on both sites is not yet accurate. Elaine also has an up to date Station Asset map which she will share with the group AP ER

3. Several people have expressed an interest in the group without wanting to become active members. John has a distribution list to share with Elaine so the minutes can be emailed to the group AP: JS

4. Agreed that the group should be added to the list of local organisations in the Parish Magazine: AP JS

5. Agreed that the group needed a media/publicity officer. This will be an item for the public meeting

6. Agreed that Public Meeting would be in the Anglers on January 14th 8.00pm. AP JS to book. Agenda to include:

  • · Development for group to date
  • · Constitution
  • · Ideas for the station
  • · Feedback from NR meeting
  • · Request for Media officer

7. Agreed that AGM would be held on 29th September 2016

8. There may be an opportunity for a grant from Awards for All, Big Lottery fund. Agreed that this should be looked at after the meeting with NR, when we should have a clearer idea about the scope of changes possible. Some suggestions include:

  • Local information posters
  • Village notice board
  • Publicity about the Anglers as a mutual arrangement where the Anglers would display train times
  • Possibly some information in Mandarin/Cantonese to support increasing numbers of Chinese visitors?

9. Agreed that the next meeting would be the open meeting at the Anglers.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

Elaine Randall

8 November 2015