Friends of Bamford Station Constitution*
1. The group shall be called “Friends of Bamford Station”
2. The aims of the group are to:
- Promote practical environmental enhancement works especially by volunteers for the benefit of the community and train passengers.
- Publicise and raise awareness of the benefits of ‘green transport plans’, the train, and attractions of the station area and its environs to increase station ‘footfall’.
- Encourage community involvement and ownership, particularly by young people and schools, in conservation, environment and associated education artworks, poetry, competition, etc. at the station and its environs.
- Encourage local businesses to improve their own properties and in sponsoring environmental enhancements at the station area.
- Campaign for improved infrastructure facilities and services.
- Work in partnership with ALL stakeholders to achieve these aims.
3. To fulfil these aims the group will:
- Undertake practical environmental, conservation, recycling works and other activities as they see fit.
- Encourage partnerships with other like-minded groups to undertake such works.
- Raise money/funding when necessary including by means of awards, grants and sponsorship for carrying out the aims of the group.
- Publicise their activities and achievements.
4. The area is generally the environs of Bamford Station and adjacent areas
5. The organisation shall apply for membership of The Association of Community Rail Partnerships.
6. Membership shall be open to anyone interested in taking part in, or supporting, the works of the organisation.
7. The organisation shall hold four meetings including an AGM each year to discuss its policy and administration. All members shall be entitled to attend and the meetings shall be fully advertised, especially at Bamford Station
* adapted from: Station Adoption 2014, A guide for the local community, Association of Community Rail Partnerships, Appendix 5, p 36. Accessible on-line at