Environmental Policy
Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground CIO Environmental Policy
Last Updated: May 2020
Policy Statement
The object of the charity is the provision and maintenance of a Recreation Ground for the use of the inhabitants of the parishes of Bamford and Thornhill. The Trustees recognise that our activities, and those of our users, impact upon the environment. Consequently, we embrace the principles of sustainable living and are committed to environmental improvement and pollution prevention. We undertake to comply with environmental laws and seek to promote sound environmental practice in our activities.
Trustees and users of the Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground are required to comply with this policy as are any employees or volunteers working for the charity.
This policy should be read in conjunction with “Guidance on holding green events on Bamford Recreation Ground
Responsibility of the Management Committee
The Management Committee will promote sustainable living by:
Ensuring that organisers of events on the Recreation Ground are made aware of the charity’s environmental policy and guidance;
Conduct periodic environmental reviews and self-evaluation of its compliance with the environmental policy and relevant regulatory requirements;
Minimise or eliminate adverse impacts on the environment;
Maintaining respect for natural resources by ensuring the most efficient use of materials and by using renewable, recycled and recyclable products wherever possible;
Manage the Recreation grounds to maintain and enhance biodiversity.
Recreation Grounds
The Trustees will seek to maintain the grounds so as to maintain and enhance biodiversity, in line with the charity’s Environmental Management Plan.
As far as possible environmentally friendly products will be used for cleaning, etc., and in particular all products must be compatible with the septic tank. Further details are available on acceptable products.
As far as reasonably possible, the charity will seek to dispose of materials in an environmentally sensitive manner.
Trustees will encourage the responsible use of energy in the operation of the pavilion by conserving energy and improving energy efficiency measures within the building.
Users of Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground
Organisers of events using the Recreation Ground will be encouraged to seek ways to reduce the environmental impact of their event through:
Promoting low carbon travel to the event
Minimising waste and maximising recycling
Minimising energy usage.
Suggestions are set out in: Guidance on holding green events on Bamford Recreation Ground.
Purchase of goods
When purchasing goods for use in the pavilion, grounds or by members of the committee, the charity will include consideration of environment factors.
Suppliers of goods and services to the charity
In considering tenders for the supply of goods and services the charity will include consideration of environment factors. Suppliers will be made aware of the charity’s environmental policy and encouraged to minimise their impact on the environment.
All users booking the Recreation Ground will have their attention drawn to this policy and it will be published on the Bamford Village website. Bamford with Thornhill Recreation Ground CIO will make copies available on request to any appropriate agencies, organisations and partners.
The Management Committee will review the environmental policy periodically and amend it as appropriate.