Gardening Society

Bamford & District Gardening Society

The Society was formed over 90 years ago to promote an interest in gardening in people of all ages in Bamford and the surrounding area. Membership fee for 2018/19 is £5. Payable at the Annual Gardening Show on the 18th August 2018. This entiles members to a 10% discount on certain items at 3 local garden centres. The Society is supported by patrons who are thereby members and also entitled to priority booking for any of its events.

The main event each year is the Show in August which has approximately 120 classes covering fruit, vegetables, flowers, floral display, cookery, arts and crafts. Other events are Floral Art demonstration, illustrated talks and trips to Gardens.

Showing Advice

In general fruit and vegetables are judged on condition, uniformity, shape, size and colour. Obviously small village shows are not judged as strictly as larger ones!

Beetroot to be shown with 76mm tops and taproot intact.

Broad beans should have good coloured pods, long, straight, well filled and seeds of good size.

Runner beans should have long, straight, shapely, fresh pods of good colour with no outward sign of seed in the pod.

Cabbage to be shown with 76mm stem, fresh, solid head and unblemished, pest free heads and outer leaves.

Carrots should be well-grown specimens, fresh, firm, clean with no disease, pest damage or splits, with a decided stump and taproot intact, with no side shoots or greening of top. Foliage to be trimmed to 76mm.

Cauliflower foliage to be neatly trimmed and root stems pruned to 50mm. Heads to have solid curds, white, free of pests and other damage.

Courgettes to be tender fruits of good uniform shape and colour with florets attached.

Cucumbers to be fresh, tenders fruits of good overall colour and bloom, uniform in thickness and length with short handles.

Leeks to have firm, solid barrels with no sign of softness or splits, foliage turgid, pest and disease-free. Fresh roots with root plate intact.

Lettuce to be good-coloured, firm, fresh-leaved specimens of good size and shape, pest and damage free.

Onions to be well-ripened bulbs with unbroken skins, free from any form of disease, no moisture under the skin, outside skin with no sign of blistering. To have thin necks, free from ribbing, roots trimmed and stems neatly tied with natural raffia.

Peas to have long, fresh, well-filled pods with good bloom and colour, pest and disease-free.

Potatoes all of any variety, with clean, unbroken skins, disease and pest free, shallow eyes with no evidence of greening.

Rhubarb to have fresh, straight stalks of uniform length and weight. Leaves trimmed to 40mm, good red colouring.

Tomatoes ripe yet firm, well coloured, blemish free with fresh calyces attached.

Turnips showing no sign of age, pest and disease-free, with no evidence of multi taproots.

Vegetable marrows to be fresh, young, tender yet not soft fruit.

Events for 2018

Annual Garden Show will be on Saturday 18th of August 2018, at the Institute. Membership is £5 this year.

Schedules will be available before hand and more details will be published in the

Bamford Parish Magazine nearer the time.

Autumn Talk will be on Friday 21st September in the Moore Memorial Hall at 7.30pm

The talk by Miriam Dobson from MyHarvest.

A project to assess as to how much food is being produced in gardens and allotments

More details will be in the Parish Magazine nearer the date.

Floral Art Demonstration will be on Friday 30th November 2018, in the Institute

Demonstrator will be Ann Mayo from Buxton

Cost will be £8 per ticket and will be on sale beforehand.

Wreath Making, we are holding this very special event on Friday 7th December in the Institute.

Cost will be £16.50 payable when you book your place. These will be limited as it is a hands-on event.

We will start to take names at the Annual Garden Show.


Chairman : Ian Orford (650542)

Treasurer : Geraldine Thompson (659293)

General Secretary : Alison Butlin (Contact)

Committee Members : Janny Hadfield, Ruth Willis,

Dave Treacher and Gary Wesley