5th October 2015

Minutes of the inaugural meeting held on Tuesday 5th October 2015


John Stubbs, Liz Marshall, Elaine Randall & Peter Townsend


Jeremy Scholes

1. Agreed to open a Lloyds Bank business current account. Peter and John to be signatories AP JS to apply

2. Constitution agreed on the understanding that local residents would be consulted about any proposed events. - see appendix

3. Parish Council to be notified AP JS to write to Sue Beckett.

4. Agreed to publicise 7 promote the group in the Parish Magazine. AP JS to contact Carol Cotton

5. Agreed that the next meeting would be held at John’s house at 8.00pm on Thursday 5th November – this is just for the current members – a wider invite will go out for future meetings after the parish mag article and once the group was set up fully.

6. Agreed that officers will be:

  • Chair – John Stubbs
  • Secretary – Elaine Randall
  • Treasurer – Peter Townsend

7. Agreed to notify the Association of Community Rail partnerships (ACORP) of the group’s existence AP JS to write to Andrew Walker

8. Agreed that we needed to also notify Northern Rail of the group and to understand their parameters and restrictions. AP JS to enquire form Andrew Walker about a contact for this.

9. Discussion about the possible scope of the group’s activities. Examples (not definitive) included:

  • Planters - Hope Valley Garden Centre had expressed an interest AP JS to contact them
  • Notice boards with OS map of local area, promoting local amenities and activities, such as carnival, sheep dog trials, events at the Anglers Rest etc.
  • Displays of children’s pictures, poetry writing etc. as part of local arts events or Carnival etc.
  • Snow clearance? AP JS to find out

10. Elaine will find out from Northern Rail where they had posted the local amenities return she had done last year as this could be used as a basis for any information we could put at the station. AP ER

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

Elaine Randall

6 October 2015